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Annual Report of Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark in 2018

ZGG August 05,2024


Geopark name, country, regional Network:Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark(China, APGN)

Year of inscription / Year of the last revalidation:2008/2016

Representative Photo (from the most important event thisyear)

Zigong was rewarded the GGN Best Practice Award2018


Number of Geoparkstaffs:260 staffs including,9geoscientists,employee.

Number of Visitors:1.46million

Number of Geoparkevents:100+

1. Education promotion activities (30): communities education activities (9); WorldEarth Day, Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, International Museum Day (5);DinosaurWonderful Night, Zigong Geopark Volunteers Training Campus, The Exhibition of10thAnniversary of Zigong Global Geopark(6);

2. Researchactivitiesforstudentscooperatedwith30localtourismagencies(involved 2000 students);

3. HongKongstudent’seducationprogramforHistory,CultureandEcologicalExploration in Sichuan cooperated with Hong Kong Education Bureau (involved 2400students);

4. Dinosaur lectures, Salt museum classrooms, etc.(30)

5. The 24th International Dinosaur Lantern Festival in 2018 (from February toMarch).

6. The 1st International Dinosaur Light Festival (From September toOctober).

7. Zigong UGGp Training Course for geopark staff by Dr. LuisAlcala

8.DinosaurExhibitioninDalianNaturalMuseum,NanjingMuseum,GanziStateNational Museum, and Chengdu Pengruili ShoppingMall.

NumberschoolclassesrealizeGeoparkeducationalprogrammes:50classes(Zigong),12 Classes (HongKong)

Number of Geopark press release:72 news, 20 papers (4SCI)


Main Achievements in2018

1. Developed several programs, including geopark science album, geopark tourismmap, interpretation system, geopark resource survey, geopark data base andQinglongshan Fossil Siteexcavation.

2. RewardedtheGGNBestPractice2018inthe8thUNESCOGlobalGeoparkConference.

3. Academic cooperation with China University of Geosciences (Beijing), HongKong University, University of London, etc.

4. Researchachievedgreatprogress,20Papershavebeenpublished,including4SCI papers.

5.Education Program for Hong Kong primary students cooperated with HongKong EducationBureau,fromNovember2018toJuly2019,involved44classesstudents (2,400students).

6. Started the work of Zigong Geopark Magazine—GeoparkHome.

Contribution towards GGN - Networking andParticipation

1. Participated in GGN activities and meetings, the 8th UNESCO GlobalGeoparkConference, 2018 Volcanic Geopark Forum of China, International course onGeoparks ManagementandDevelopment2018,the1stUNESCOGlobalGeoparkevaluator’s Seminar, Annual Meeting for UNESCO Global Geoparks in China 2018,etc.

2. Visit toWHS--Messel Pit of Germany, cooperated with Luis Alcala from Maestrazgoof Spain on geoheritage conservation and database.

3. In charge of GGN Weibo account, released 147 news (biligual) in2018.

4. Cooperation between geopark partner and Lesvos IslandsUGGp.

5. Geopark experience sharing in Xiangxi Geopark, TaishangUGGp.

6. Li SUN finished her revalidation mission in StonehammerUGGp.

Management and Financialstatus

Managed by Administration for Zigong UNESCO GlobalGeopark.

ThefinancialstatusofZigongUNESCOGlobalGeoparkarestablein2018.Gotfinancialsupport of The Geopark received grants of RMB 30.3811 million from governments at all levels, with tourism revenue of RMB 104.4477 million and total expenditure of RMB 105.974 million.


1. Qinglongshang Fossil Site ConservationWork.

2. Jicheng Well Conservation Work.

3. The conservation and exhibition work for dinosaur fossil excavationsites.

Sustainable development(Geotourism)

1. Geotourism promotion with website, socialmedia.

2. Zigong city construction with geopark elements andlogo.

3. Updated basic and tourism infrastructure inGeopark.

4. Shisun Valley becomes the new geotourismattration.

5. The 24th International Dinosaur Lantern Festival in 2018 (from February toMarch).

6. The 1st International Dinosaur Light Festival (From September toOctober).

NewEducationprogrammesongeoconservation,sustainabledevelopmentanddisasterrisk reduction

1. Qinglongshan Fossil Site conservationprogram.

2. Jicheng Well Conservation Work.

3. The conservation and exhibition work for dinosaur fossil excavationsites.


Cooperatewithlocaldinosaurenterprises,lanternenterprises,localtourismagency,local communities and government,etc.

Tourism PromotionActivities

The 24th International Dinosaur Lantern Festival in 2018 (from February toMarch).

The 1st International Dinosaur Light Festival (From September toOctober).

4. Contact Persons

Manager: Hong Tao,ziggeopark@foxmail.com, Li SUN, li.sun2009@foxmail.com

Geologist: GuangzhaoPeng,821984780@qq.com


Contact Us

Add : No.4, Binjiang Road, Ziliujing District, Zigong City, Sichuan, P.R. China, 643000